
Parkside Clinic

Parkside Clinic's design palette is intentionally kept simple yet with depth. Floating masses, voids of space, and repeating rectilinear shapes come together to form a canvas of "meditative harmony." Bright white walls serve as this canvas, allowing the natural wood finishes to take center stage. The celebration of native wood not only pays homage to the Pacific Northwest's rich heritage but also instills a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

This project has had a lasting impact on my career, serving as a source of inspiration and a valuable teaching tool. I've incorporated Parkside Clinic into my lectures on Gothic cathedrals, using it to illustrate the profound influence of natural lighting design on the human experience. The clinic's ability to manipulate space, light, and materiality to evoke emotional and spiritual responses is a lesson that transcends disciplines and has resonated with my students.

Parkside Clinic's design palette is intentionally kept simple yet with depth. Floating masses, voids of space, and repeating rectilinear shapes come together to form a canvas of "meditative harmony." Bright white walls serve as this canvas, allowing the natural wood finishes to take center stage. The celebration of native wood not only pays homage to the Pacific Northwest's rich heritage but also instills a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Furniture design was included in this work. 

This project has had a lasting impact on my career, serving as a source of inspiration and a valuable teaching tool. I've incorporated Parkside Clinic into my lectures on Gothic cathedrals, using it to illustrate the profound influence of natural lighting design on the human experience. The clinic's ability to manipulate space, light, and materiality to evoke emotional and spiritual responses is a lesson that transcends disciplines and has resonated with my students.
